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Continued RLA Section 6 Contract Negotiations

April 23, 2024

Re: Continued RLA Section 6 Contract Negotiations

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As described in our last update, we’ve reached out to the company to secure new meeting dates for negotiations. At this point, they have not provided any dates that they are available. This refusal by the company to meet to resume negotiations is unacceptable, and we are reminding the company that Section 2, First of the Railway Labor Act requires the company to meet with us in order to make and maintain agreements. If the company continues to refuse to meet with us in the near future, the Teamsters are prepared to take all legal options, including but not limited to engaging in self-help, to compel the company to comply with its obligation to bargain in good faith. We will keep you updated as new developments occur.

To be clear, we are prepared, as we’ve reported over the entirety of last year, to present our contract opener to the company. We will meet anytime, anywhere to bargain an Agreement that you can be proud of, and we will use every legal resource at our disposal to achieve that end.

In solidarity,

Vinny Graziano

Teamsters Airline Division
