Mechanics' Dispatch

Transition Items 

Monday the 9th there was a call with all the Business Agents around the system and the Division to discuss transition items. The BAs were notified that the company has hired a printer to manufacture the new JCBA for distribution, but that the timeframe for completion is unknown at this time.  

New members of the Joint Board of Adjustment were added and announced on the call. These new members are Vincent Graziano from Local 210, Thomas Esposito from Local 769, Javier Lectora from Local 856, and Dave Saucedo from Local 986. A system wide Joint Board is tentatively scheduled for the week of March 9th in Los Angeles. This Board is scheduled to last all week with the purpose of adjudicating the grievances that still remain from the prior CBAs. 

Operationally it was discussed that the company is not changing to the new duty times until they can train those that will administer the language. Until that time the status quo from the old language remains in place. The twenty-year premium in GSE/Facilities and Bid Area 128 has not been applied to leads with less than twenty years. An et al grievance has been filed on the matter.  An et al grievance has also been filed for the former sCO mechanics that had their company seniority adjusted for time spent on layoff. Those members have a different accrual for vacation and lower seniority date for pass travel than those from the former sUA subsidiary. The Division views this as a matter of basic fairness that needs to be addressed. There were several other issues discussed on the call and they are all being addressed with the company. As resolutions are achieved they will be reported. 

A meeting is being worked on for the BAs to meet with Don Wright and his team to further discuss transition items. This meeting should take place in the next couple of weeks. Another BA call is scheduled for the 23rd.  


Seniority Challenges 

Many members have asked which list to use to base their appeals. Use the list posted at 

Luis Morel Chief Steward in MCO caught a typo in the second sentence on the third page. The description talks about breaks in ties and said “where the lowest number is junior.” That should have read highest and is now corrected. 

LOA 28 Challenges

This is a reminder that challenges to the lump sum amounts described in LOA 28 must be postmarked by February 28th. The explanation and form can be found at

Management Changes 

As many of you already know Kris Bauer has replaced Charles Duncan as the SVP of Tech Ops. Kris comes from Allegiant Air. A move in LR now has Tech Ops Dealing with Managing Director Tom Reardon. Tom started his career with United as an Aircraft Technician. 

GSE/Facilities Call 

A conference call was held on 1/6/2017 between representatives of the Union and the Company concerning Facility and Ground Equipment issues. On the call for the Company were Ray Ames, Gary Dyer, Jesse Jandura and Paul Gniadecki. For the Union were Clacy Griswald, Bob Fisher, Ken Meidinger and Allen Cosides. The parties discussed the opening of MCO. A joint team of Union and Company representatives will visit MCO to determine the scope of work in late January or early February. The issue of bringing Chelsea Mechanics into the IBT continues to be discussed. Under Article 1 F 2 the system review committee will be broken up into separate facilities and ground equipment teams consisting of six members each. A committee is being established to address the utility specialist scope of work as per LOA #6. Local Facility review committees under LOA # 7 will continue to review local issues


January 2017 Business Agents' Report