Mechanics Dispatch — August 20, 2018

Mechanics Update

August 20, 2018

Dear Members,

Several of you from around the system have asked me about the seniority grievance that was just recently arbitrated which would restore company seniority for those S-CAL and S-CMI members who had adjustments made in accordance with their respective agreements for periods of inactive service. 

The Arbitrator has ruled in favor of the Carrier and had denied the grievance, but did add the following recommendation: 

“Despite the Boards recognition that is does not have the jurisdiction under the agreement to restore prior adjustments made to Company seniority at s-Continental and s-Micronesia, we recommend that the parties discuss the restoration of seniority solely for the purpose of vacation bidding”

To be clear, this recommendation, if acted on, would not restore or add any vacation time to any person’s bank. This would merely reorganize the order that members at different stations across the system could bid vacation time. 

The union’s main concern was the overall impact to the membership at large and how that impact could affect bidding. After a thorough analysis the union learned that 7,621 members would be directly affected if this recommendation were to be implemented.  Out of the 9,488 members in total 7,107 members are worse off for vacation bidding purposes then they are today.

After several discussions between the parties, the Carrier has made it clear that they do not intend to act on the arbitrator’s recommendations to its negative implications.

The division, along with the Business agents have come to the realization that attempting to pursue this matter flies in the face of every effort we have made to keep the historic order at each property entered into this merger. Not only does it negatively impact more then two thirds of the membership it will have negative implications to relative seniority as it pertains to vacation as well. Therefore, due to the overwhelming negative impact this would cause to our membership at large, the union has made the decision NOT to pursue this matter further.   

For any further questions please feel free to reach out to your respective Business agents.

In Solidarity,

Vinny Graziano


Airline Division Week in Review — Labor Day 2018


Airline Division Week in Review — August 17, 2018