Industry Reset -- Technician's Update

Technicians Update
November 20, 2020
Industry Reset

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is time again for the application of the Industry Reset as set out in LOA #29. The good news for this year's measurement is that the TWU-IAM Alliance at American was able to achieve a rich package of wages and benefits that was used in the model to determine our outcome.

I can report today that the model worked as designed and each of you will be getting a 7.06% increase above the 1% Basic Hourly Rate in Appendix A of Article 15. The additional increase at the top of scale Technician rate is approximately $2.94/hour.

I would like to thank our economist Dan Akins and Actuary Peter Hardcastle for their work ensuring that the formula was applied correctly. You should see the increase in pay shortly. During these difficult times it is certainly welcome news that the Reset worked exactly as intended to make sure this group never falls behind the industry.

In Solidarity,

Vinny Graziano
International Representative
Airline Division
International Brotherhood of Teamsters


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