Mechanics Dispatch - Special Update -- March 25, 2020

March 25th, 2020


COVID-19 Fatality in Newark 


Brothers and Sisters, 

It was confirmed that Brother Carlos Consuegra from the IAM passed away yesterday from complications of COVID-19. Our deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends. 

My recommendations to those that worked near him, or with anyone else that has tested positive, are as follows. If you had direct contact within the last 14 days, please self-quarantine. If you are feeling ill, please self-quarantine. If you have an underlying condition such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease please self-quarantine.  

Now is not the time to be a hero and report to work sick. Infecting others and potentially spreading this disease will kill our more compromised members. 

If you have no sick time left, we'll try to help you out when this situation is contained. There are also services that can help through EAP. To be clear however, it is better to take off a few days with no pay than to die or potentially kill others.



Vincent Graziano
Airline Division Representative
International Brotherhood of Teamsters


James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund


Airline Division Special Update