SFO Maintenance Center plans

July 29th, 2020

Re; SFO Maintenance Center plans

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you are aware from last week, the company planned to drastically overhaul the structure of the Base, which would have eliminated many jobs. We immediately reached out to our political allies, both local and federal, to express our concern that the actions of the company were violating the Collective Bargaining Agreement in a time of crisis. A meeting was held with Speaker Pelosi's office last week for this purpose.

These actions resulted today in the company reaching out to us to let us know that the structure would remain the same in SFO. This is an important win in the battle to preserve your jobs but the struggle to continue protecting the Base will no doubt continue. Both of us are committed to utilizing our substantial resources to continue this fight if and when it rears its head again.    

In Solidarity,

Chris Griswold                                   Peter Finn
Principal Officer                                Principal Officer
Local 986                                           Local 856