UAL Technicians Dispatch Update - CARES Update-January 20, 2021

Brothers and Sisters:

Below is the text of a letter sent yesterday to UAL management. Due to a technical issue, we are unable to post the original copy today. The  PDF copy on letterhead will be posted here tomorrow.

January 19, 2021


Mr. Zachery Jones

Vice President of Labor Relations

United Airlines

233 South Wacker Drive


Chicago, Illinois 60606


Dear Zach:


          As you know, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “CAA”) signed into law on December 27, 2020, contains a continuation of the CARES Act’s payroll support program (PSP).  The PSP provides federal grants to guarantee that participating airlines are able to continue payment of airline employees’ wages, salaries and benefits at previously established rates.   

          To participate in the grant program, the CAA requires that airlines recall furloughed employees, compensate them for lost pay and benefits from December 1, 2020 onward, and “restore the[ir] rights and protections…as if such employees had not been involuntarily furloughed.”  CAA, Pub.L.No.116-260, Title 4, Section 404(b)(1)(C). 

          United Airlines recently recalled numerous lead technicians throughout the system.  Rather than recalling them to the lead classification, however, the company has recalled them to technicians’ positions and is compensating them as technicians rather than leads.  Similarly, United recalled and furloughed aircraft technicians to lower-paid GSE positions throughout the system, compensating them as GSEs rather than higher paid aircraft technicians.  These examples violate the above-cited section of the CAA, which requires furloughed employees to be recalled as if they had not been furloughed – i.e. to the positions and wages fromwhich they were furloughed.  The PSP funds have been granted to United using historic part 241 data based upon these employees’ pay.   Restoring leads to lead pay, aircraft technicians to aircraft technician pay, etc., under the PSP would ensure that the grants provided United under the PSP are passed on to employees as intended.

          I hope that we will be able to resolve this matter through discussion.  If we are unable to, the IBT will be forced to take further steps to ensure its members rights under the PSP are protected. 


Best Regards,

David P. Bourne

Director, Teamsters Airline Division


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