Mechanics' Dispatch 3-21-2022

Brothers and Sisters, 

By now you’ve all seen the news that Delta Tech Ops employees are receiving 4% raises in May along with increases to premiums and a reduction in the length of time to reach the top of the scale.

This is good news for a several reasons, including that the announced increase will help during bargaining for the amended CBA and the increases will be captured as part of the formula of the reset language in December. Also, it will help to address the Technician shortage that is unfolding along similar lines industry wide, to what transpired with the Pilots just a few years ago.  

The Delta announcement was shared with our economist for review in tabulating the reset. When the numbers are finalized, closer to December, the results will be released in a Dispatch. 

Vinny Graziano 
Coordinator Maintenance and Related  
Airline Division 
International Brotherhood of Teamsters 


Airline Division Director Update


UAL Technicians Update