Ratification Results 1/30/23

Negotiation Committee Members:
Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Paul Becerra - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO


January 30, 2023

Ratification results

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for participating in this ratification process. As always, the final say rests with you. The TA passed by 68.77% to 31.23% with 75.2% participation.

There were 8 voided ballots from members that voted after separation from the company.

I will notify the company as soon as this Dispatch is released.

Congratulations on ratifying this industry leading extension.


In solidarity,

 Vinny Graziano

International Representative




March 2023 CARP Announcement


Webinar scheduled for Monday