PLEASE READ: Teamsters Airline Division on TSAP/LOSA Participation

To all Teamsters at United Airlines:

The Tech Ops Safety Action Program (TSAP) is a Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Aviation Administration, United Airlines, and the Teamsters. The primary purpose of the program is to identify safety events and to implement corrective measures that reduce circumstances where safety could be compromised. The program is intended to foster a voluntary, cooperative, non-punitive environment for United technicians who want to report safety concerns. Through such open reporting, all parties have access to valuable safety information that may not otherwise be obtainable. 

The soul of the program is built on trust. Unfortunately, because United has been using information from the TSAP program to retaliate against Teamsters members, the erosion of that trust has jeopardized our participation in the program. For this reason, we have withdrawn from TSAP. We have also withdrawn from the Line Operations Safety Assessment Program (LOSA). 

United has responded to our concerns by claiming that at most locations, there are no retaliatory actions taken by management and TSAP works effectively for the members. However, at the small number of stations where this has occurred, retaliation has been defended by a change to the MOU that the company made. This change could easily impact all members at all stations. The Teamsters cannot encourage complete transparency from our members at United when there is a chance that full cooperation could negatively impact them. The company’s’ suggestion that unjust discipline will be limited to a small number of members is not acceptable. If we allow the injury of one to go unchallenged, it is only a matter of time before the company turns on all of us. 

The only way to beat United’s transgressions is with a show of solidarity for our brothers and sisters at every station. The company has recently requested additional conversations on the subject, and we will engage with the hope of saving both TSAP and LOSA, but only if we get a guarantee that the program remain non-punitive for all members at all stations. 

Teamsters don’t tolerate retaliation. We urge each of you to stand with us and continue to withhold cooperation with these programs. Now is the time to come together to prevent the company from chipping away at our contract, our agreements, and the protections within. 

In solidarity, 

Dave Saucedo
Director, Under-the-Wing
Teamsters Airline Division  


United Airlines Teamsters Update on TSAP and LOSA