Mechanics' Dispatch

Retirement Benefits Update

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters Benefits Committee at United Airlines has put together an informational and resource package to assist members in understanding retirement benefits. The goal of this guide is to provide a quick-reference guide to help UAL Teamster members with retirement concerns and questions.

Members who are actively planning or considering retirement should find this package useful. The information included in this report explain a wide variety of topics such as; eligibility, the process for requesting retirement benefits, an explanation of what to expect from retiree benefits, and other useful and resource contact information. 

The Benefits Committee is made up of members from across the system who work at a variety of stations.  Ken Meidnger- International Representative, Vinny Graziano- International Representative, Mike Moats- Cleveland , James Johns- Denver, John Pangelinan- Guam, Moki Kim -Hawaii Islands, Bob Clever- Houston, Dominic Fierro- Houston, Audery Scates- Los Angeles, Gary Kagel- Orlando, Larry Calhoun- New York, Mike Pecararo- Chicago and Steve Loone -San Francisco.

The document may be viewed or downloaded here


June/July Business Agents' Report


Mechanics' Dispatch