Mechanics' Dispatch

On Thursday July 6th, the company invited the Business Agents to Chicago for the purpose of meeting the new HR team for United Airlines. The meeting was primarily introductory and no specific station or member grievances were discussed. The main topic surrounded the new HR structure along with contact information and station assignments for the new team. This was followed by a conversation on the filing of vacancies.  

Article 3; regarding Bid Area Qualifications has been an open issue for many mechanics across the system. We made some time to discuss this pressing topic and the company has made a suggestion that a process improvement team could be implemented to work out the difficulties with the BAQ’s and Ebid systems. The IBT is in the process of delegating two BA’s to assist on this committee.  

As matter of record, the parties had a brief conversation regarding some open matters and items that are still ongoing in hopes of finding a mutual resolution. Additionally, the badging issue that our members are experiencing at many stations across the system was discussed. A final topic involving return to work generic forms which have become problematic and the need for a case manager was brought up but no solution was found at this meeting. 

Later in the day during a follow up meeting with Labor Relations representatives, the union once again s conveyed that contractual grievances throughout the system are building and have been on the docket for quite some time. It has been mutually understood that these cases must be heard. To help resolve this, both parties are in the process of creating a System Board of Adjustment pursuant to Article 19 that will be held over consecutive days in order to get as many grievances heard and properly adjudicated in a timely manner. Boards disputing contractual language violations will be held in the East, West and Midwest on a rotating basis. Termination cases will continue to be held at the home station per the agreement.  


Mechanics' Dispatch


Mechanics' Dispatch