Highlights from UAL Teamster Member Assistance Training


Our annual, Local 856 and Local 986 sponsored Teamster Member Assistance Program (TMAP ) 3-day training event too place September 26 - 28, at the Los Altos Jesuit Retreat Center.

Eighteen Member Assistance Reps flew in from ORD, EWR, CLE, PHX, IAH and LAX to attend the training.

Our five full-time TMAP Coordinators put together the training program for the 18 volunteers who attended. We covered benefits, leaves of absence, workers comp, DOT regs for opiates and THC for FAA licensed mechanics, ethics, and workplace roleplay scenarios.

The Teamsters SFO members who attended were TMAP Coordinators Steve Crummey and Steve Loome, and well as our volunteer reps, Bryan Bartling and Chris Curtis with Jim Mckeever and Rudy Silva from LAX.


Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition Newsletter


Mechanics Dispatch — September 24, 2018