RIF Options Information 

Mark DesAngles - IBT Local 986
Javier Lectora - IBT Local 856
Teamsters Airline Division - SFO Point
July 21st, 2020

Re: RIF Options Information 
All SFO IBT Members,

The following information is based on some of the questions and feedback we have been getting from you all as we visited various work areas throughout the Base. Although we anticipate more questions to arise as we get to more areas, we thought it prudent to get out as much information as we can as quickly as possible, based on the time sensitive nature of the RIF Options process.

We were asked today why someone making their selections was not able to prioritize a selection to exercise FRD seniority to go to a non-home Bid Area (a BID Area you are currently not working) in the System over a selection to exercise FRD seniority to go to a home Bid Area (current Bid Area) in the System.

The answer is that exercising FRD to go to a home Bid Area in the system is part of Option 1 and all Option 1 selections, per the CBA, must be exercised before you can go to Option 2, which is exercising your FRD to any non-home Bid Area in the system. You are not required to select all the places in the system where your home Bid Area exists when you make your selections. But if you do select one or more, the program is required to try and exercise your seniority to go to one of those selections before moving on to Option 2 in the shakedown process. Please refer to LOA 19 (Exercise of RIF Options) in the CBA.

Also, you should keep in mind that all technicians are required to exercise Craft Seniority to stay at their point before being able to proceed to Option 2 to bump into the system. It is better to click on all of your BAQ preferences so that you can prioritize those options accordingly because, even if you did not make a particular BAQ choice, the system would auto-assign you to a Bid Area you are qualified in at SFO (if that option is the only one available) before allowing you to go to Option 2 to bump the system.

We also received a question as to whether or not an IBT member can retire from Furlough. Our understanding is that, technically, the answer is yes. You would have access to your CARP funds and to Company pass travel based on your age and years of service. However, you have to be an active employee upon retirement to have access to the bridge medical. Also, for those that were around during the 2005 bankruptcy, the PBGC will not pay you benefits unless you retire from active status. Therefore, for most of us, the practical answer to this question is no. Please do not make that type of decision without talking to your TMAP Member Assistance Coordinator first.

One of the other questions we were asked was whether a technician furloughed from SFO could potentially be recalled to another station. The answer is no. You will only be recalled to a station where you have recall rights, meaning one from which you were furloughed. However, while you are on furlough, it is a possibility that certain stations may exhaust their recall lists faster than others. Once a station exhausts its recall list, it can start posting vacancies to the system. A member on furlough can then bid those vacancies, which are awarded in Craft Seniority order. Also, if you did end up getting a bid to another station, you would still have your recall rights to SFO. Therefore, it is imperative that you stay connected while you are out on furlough so that you can be aware of any opportunities that arise. You will have access to a modified flying together portal while you are furlough.

That is all for now. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your Shop Steward or Chief Steward if you have any questions or concerns so that we can get you squared away.

In Solidarity,

Mark DesAngles                 Javier Lectora
Business Agent                   Business Agent
Local 986                            Local 856    


Mandatory Mask Policy


SFO Furlough Letter