Mandatory Mask Policy

Mandatory Mask Policy

Re; Mandatory Mask Policy

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The company informed us they are instituting a mandatory mask policy. While following the recommendations of the CDC is wise and we are not opposed to a mask policy in theory, the disciplinary aspect of the company's policy is beyond draconian. The punishment prescribed in this policy are that two infractions lead to termination. To estimate the number of terminations that will follow if this policy is instituted is unknowable. What will be true however is the number will be great. In the normal course of performing our duties there will be numerous instances of masks falling down or getting in the way while doing something critical. The way the policy is written members may even be in violation while cleaning up or using the restroom facilities. That is to say nothing of the subjective observance of someone in the breakroom eating or drinking with their masks lowered. At this point we will engage members of Congress for help as well as exploring appropriate legal action to oppose this policy. Please wear your masks to the best of your ability while this process unfolds. Also know that we will defend your just cause rights to the fullest extent possible.

In Solidarity,

Vinny Graziano
Airline Division Representative
International Brotherhood of Teamsters

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