United Negotiations Update

October 24, 2022

Negotiation Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The committee met at Local 856 October 18th-20th to continue preparing articles for bargaining. Our first session with the company will be held December 13-15th with a location yet to be determined. While we’re hoping for negotiations to move along at a brisk pace once started, we need to do the in-depth analysis of the language in order to make that happen. Like every task, solid preparation is the key to success.

The entire committee was in attendance this session. In addition, we were joined by legal counsel Stephanie Spanja. The committee discussed what was previously agreed on internally and Stephanie weighed in to make sure the language changes we will propose regarding the grievance procedure and arbitration clauses are legally sound.

After finishing the discussion on those articles, we moved to classifications. We spent time discussing which provisions of this article led to grievances since 2016. We made suggested changes where we believe the language needs to be strengthened. We began discussions on seniority and will finalize this when we meet next on the week of November 7th.  


Your Negotiating Committee

Mitch Hunt -DEN, Dave Mahood EWR, Blake Silverstein IAD, Dexter Thomas IAH, Scott Stoddart LAX, Mike Pecoraro ORD, Paul Becerra MCO, Joseph Prisco SFO, John Laurin SFO 

Video updates will be posted on YouTube here:

The link to our Facebook page is here:

The Instagram page is found here:


Grievance Summit Update


Apprenticeship Program Update