Grievance Summit Update


Grievance Summit Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This week I, along with Director Joe Ferreira and Reps Dave Saucedo, Angel Cantu and Bob Fisher met with Labor Relations Representatives to review the grievance docket. Grievances are reviewed between the parties locally on an ongoing basis, but summits happen when the docket starts to build beyond normal. There are currently about 130 language cases on the docket throughout the entire system. Over the course of two days, we were able to review close to half of the open cases. Several grievances were settled, and some were withdrawn. In addition, there were a few grievances where the language was not clear, and those issues will be held in abeyance to be addressed in negotiations.

We were not able to review every case this session and as a result another session is scheduled to take place in January. For those grievances we couldn’t resolve in some manner, hearings will continue to be scheduled.

Look for further updates after the next summit.


Vinny Graziano

International Representative

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