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Clarification of Language in the TA

Negotiation Committee Members:
Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Paul Becerra - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

December 20th 2022,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It has been brought to my attention that a misinterpretation of the scope change in the extension agreement has been circulating. To be clear, the change to scope allowing narrowbody heavy maintenance work to be performed overseas, without IBT consent, applies only to the work the company has historically outsourced under Article 1.B. paragraph 11, and which has to this point been accomplished at MROs in North America. This is not an expansion of the company’s ability to further outsource work, and only applies to heavy maintenance as described in the new, if ratified, Article 1.B. paragraph 11. In order for other covered work to be subject to further outsourcing, the other paragraphs in Scope would need similar changes, and there are no modifications to any provision in the Article besides 1. B. paragraph 11.

Currently, the CBA only protects one line of heavy maintenance. That protection in the TA has now increased to two lines, to capture the line created from the recent Arbitration ruling issued regarding overseas narrowbody maintenance. The arbitrator granted the line for one year, but it is now added as a permanent line in LOA #3 if the TA passes. The work of this line will be performed by A&P Technicians, period. Apprentices will be assigned to learn only, not perform this work, or the work on two lines as the current rumor states. In addition, if the company avails themselves of the new provision in Article 1.B. paragraph 11, they must then protect an additional 4 heavy maintenance lines, whether that be mod work, AD work or heavy check work. This is a significant expansion of our current heavy maintenance scope and does not detract or diminish in any way from any current protections for this membership’s job security.  

Hopefully that clears up the misconceptions that are being discussed on the floor.

In solidarity,

Vinny Graziano

Airline Division Representative

International Brotherhood of Teamsters 
