2023 Grievance Committee Election Results
Dale Mitchell has been elected Jet Shop Chief Steward. His term will begin Friday, September 1, 2023.
Jet Shop Chief Steward Election Results
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Dale Mitchell has been elected Jet Shop Chief Steward.
His term will begin Friday, September 1, 2023.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the vote and election process and thank you to Deborah Ward-Crummey for her service as a chief steward.
Grievance Committee Nominations Results
June 6, 2023
Nominations for the 2023-2026 Grievance Committee term were accepted at the SFO Base IBT office May 30 though June 1, 2023. Below are the results.
Grievance Committee Coordinator:
Fred Wood – unopposed, elected by acclamation
Grievance Committee Secretary:
John Johnson – unopposed, elected by acclamation
Back Shops Chief Steward:
Maurice McDonald – unopposed, elected by acclamation
Facilities Chief Steward:
Greg Sullivan – unopposed, elected by acclamation
Jet Shop Chief Steward:
Dale Mitchell
Deborah Ward-Crummey
Line Maintenance Chief Steward:
Justin Sharp – unopposed, elected by acclamation
Areas in which the chief steward ran unopposed will not receive ballots.
Jet Shop Chief Steward Election Procedure:
Voting for the Jet Shop Chief Steward will be conducted by BallotPoint. Jet Shop members in good standing will receive voting instructions in the mail the week of June 19, 2023. Further information to follow.
If you have recently moved, please make sure your address is up-to-date with your Local by Friday, June 9, 2023, to make sure you receive your voting instructions.
Local 856 members (Last name A – Led):
Please contact Marta Pacheco at (650) 635-0111 x 7704 or MPacheco@ibt856.org
Local 986 members (Last name Lee – Z):
Please contact Adriana Sanchez at 1-626-350-9860 x112 or adriana@teamsters986.org
Grievance Committee Election Guidelines 2023
The positions that are open for nominations are as follows: Coordinator, Grievance Secretary, Jet Shop Chief Steward, Line Chief Steward, Back Shops Chief Steward, and Facilities Chief Steward.
Term shall be for three years.
All nominations must be submitted between May 30 through June 1, 2023, at the SFO Base IBT office between the hours of 0400 and 1600. Local 856 Business Agent Javier Lectora and/or Local 986 Business Agent Mark DesAngles will be present to verify receipt of all nomination forms.
A written Nomination/Acceptance form will be provided and may be submitted on behalf of any nominee not present to accept the nomination in person. Forms will be available upon request at the SFO Base IBT Office.
Nominees must be a member in good standing and be current on dues payments at the time of nomination. Once elected, you will be required occasionally to cover all 3 shifts. Most importantly, enforce the CBA and NOT bring disparage/reproach upon the Locals and/or the IBT.
The election process will begin within 15 working days of the completion of nominations
Only members in good standing will be eligible to vote. The member’s address on file at the Local Unions will be utilized to mail voting instructions. Members are encouraged to contact their respective Local to ensure their mailing address is current. (Members with the last name A-LED, should call Local 856 at 650 635 0111 and members with the last name LEE-Z, should call 626 350 9860.)
The vote will be administered by BallotPoint. Members will receive voting instructions in the mail and will be able to cast their ballots online or via telephone.
Duplicate ballot request procedures will be communicated prior to the commencement of the voting period.
Upon conclusion of the ballot count, newly elected committee members will be contacted in writing by Local 856 Business Agent Javier Lectora and/or Local 986 Business Agent Mark DesAngles.
Newly elected positions will take effect in September 2023.
At any time during the 3-year term, the membership may petition the local union to remove a committee person. A minimum of 25% of the members in the eligible voting group must sign the petition for it be considered by the Local Union. Upon receipt of a valid petition for removal, a committee made up of local union Business Agents shall conduct an investigation to evaluate the merits of the request. At the conclusion of the investigation, the local union will announce its finding and will determine if the removal of the committee person prior to the conclusion of their elected term is warranted.