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United Airlines Teamsters Update on TSAP and LOSA

Dear United Airlines Teamsters,

As negotiations with United Airlines continue, the Teamsters Airline Division has an important update for you regarding our participation in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Tech-Ops Safety Action Program (TSAP) and the United Airlines Line Operations Safety Assessment (LOSA) voluntary program. 

In exchange for open and candid reports, our members require assurances that this transparency will not be used against them in any way. We have communicated this to UAL and have patiently waited for any type of agreement or even acknowledgment to our requests to remedy our dispute. 

We have waited long enough. 

Moving forward, United Airlines Teamsters will not participate in TSAP or LOSA programs because the carrier has failed to ensure that our members will not be punished for voluntarily using the program. This is in spite of claims by the carrier and the FAA that participation in the TSAP program is non-punitive. 

Regarding LOSA, the company has refused all requests to standardize the program and honor their commitments. United has refused our demands for high level meetings and looks to continue abusing TSAP and LOSA as a way of punishing Teamsters for voluntarily reporting safety issues. 

Teamsters will not stand by and allow our members to be put at risk of unjust discipline by accepting United’s conditions for staying in the programs. As of this notice, we encourage all United Teamsters to reject cooperation in LOSA at all line stations. 

If an incident requires reporting, you are encouraged to utilize the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) found on the NASA (.gov) site. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to your local shop steward for more information. 

In Solidarity, 

Teamsters Airline Division