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United Airlines Bargaining Update SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

What You Need to Know About the Industry Reset Model

As we enter negotiations on economic issues with United Airlines, it’s critical that all technicians come together in solidarity for the industry-leading contract we deserve. Staying informed and engaged is key — especially when misinformation circulates. 

Recently, we’ve seen an inaccurate chart about reset calculations being shared online and at some stations. Let’s set the record straight: 

What You Need to Know About the Industry Reset Model

As we enter negotiations on economic issues with United Airlines, it’s critical that all technicians come together in solidarity for the industry-leading contract we deserve. Staying informed and engaged is key — especially when misinformation circulates. 

Recently, we’ve seen an inaccurate chart about reset calculations being shared online and at some stations. Let’s set the record straight: 

  1. The circulated chart is not credible. It relies on outdated data, flawed calculations, incorrect assumptions, and poor methodology. 

  2. The facts tell a different story. The current total value of our compensation is significantly higher than the 2024 average at American Airlines and Delta. Thus, our current compensation exceeds the two percent threshold that triggers a reset payment under the 2024 Reset Model.

The chart in question has been corrected below. Inaccurate figures are struck through in red, with the verified numbers provided alongside. The bottom line: this chart, in its original form, is unreliable and fails as a credible comparison of compensation between United, American, and Delta.

The Reality of Where We Stand

We understand the frustration of no longer holding the highest wage rates in the industry. American Airlines mechanics secured a new contract in October, and Delta raised wages earlier this year while continuing its union-busting efforts. United must do a better job of retaining qualified technicians. We know how it affects your day-to-day work when talented young technicians leave for competitors.

That’s why this fight is so important. When negotiations resume next month, your committee is going to fight for the best wages in the industry, top-tier health care and retirement benefits, and better working conditions. We are the best technicians in the world, and we deserve nothing less than a standard-setting contract for the sacrifices we endure to help United reach record breaking profits.

How You Can Help

Winning the strongest contract requires all of us to show strength and unity. Show up for actions and solidarity days. Stay informed about negotiations through your rank-and-file committee members. Push back against rumors and misinformation. Rumors and negativity only divide us and give United Airlines management leverage to delay negotiations.

If you have questions, reach out to your shop steward or business agent. Next year, we’ll bring the fight to United Airlines like never before. 

In Solidarity,

Your United Airlines Teamsters National Bargaining Committee

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United Airlines 2024 Industry Reset Model Update

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee is working hard to reach a tentative agreement for a strong new contract for the membership.

Because our reset calculation shows us to be above our competitors by a substantial enough margin, wages for United Airlines technicians will not increase as part of the 2024 Industry Reset Model.

This model was created to ensure the value of the United technicians agreement is at least 102 percent of the average pay and benefits received by technicians at American Airlines and Delta Airlines. The 2024 Reset Model showed that United technician pay and benefits are above the threshold needed to trigger an adjustment to our wage scales.

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee is working hard to reach a tentative agreement for a strong new contract for the membership.

Because our reset calculation shows us to be above our competitors by a substantial enough margin, wages for United Airlines technicians will not increase as part of the 2024 Industry Reset Model.

This model was created to ensure the value of the United technicians agreement is at least 102 percent of the average pay and benefits received by technicians at American Airlines and Delta Airlines. The 2024 Reset Model showed that United technician pay and benefits are above the threshold needed to trigger an adjustment to our wage scales.

The Reset Model considers five factors to assess the total value of the United technicians agreement. This value is then compared to the average value of the same five factors for technicians at American and Delta.

The five elements are:

1. Pay – Technicians all-in wage rate (scale rates, A&P Licenses Premium, Line Premium and Longevity Premium) and VEBA

2. Paid Time Off – vacation, sick, and holidays

3. Benefits – employer’s medical cost share and retirement contribution

4. Profit Sharing – applies the profit-sharing percentage to annual United Airlines pre-tax profits

5. Scope – the ratio of Technicians heads per mainline aircraft

Since the December 2022 reset, rates for top-of-scale technicians have increased by 18.0 percent at United, 8.4 percent at Delta, and 3.6 percent at American. Together, the average wage increase for American and Delta technicians is 6.0 percent since the reset was calculated in 2022.

The value of our contract is also higher due to United technicians paying lower medical premiums, earning more paid vacation time, and receiving more holidays and sick leave than the average of American and Delta technicians. It should be noted that the wage rates recently won by American Airlines technicians do not take effect until January 1, 2025, and are not allowed, per the CBA, to be used in the current Reset Model.

Additionally, the Reset Model analysis is run every 12 months after the United contract amendable date (12/05/24) to ensure that United technicians remain above the average of American and Delta during the bargaining period. This is a unique contract provision, not often seen in our industry, that provides the opportunity for wage increases during the negotiation process. With this unique contract provision, United technicians ensure that their total compensation remain at least 102 percent the average of American and Delta throughout the negotiation process

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United Airlines Bargaining Update 12/4/24

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee continued bargaining on Wednesday with the company, finalizing the last bargaining session before the contract’s December 5 amendable date. After starting the process of revamping the system bid protocol and finally receiving data from the company regarding the attendance of United Airlines Teamsters during adverse conditions, the committee decided to revisit these issues until later in the negotiating process. Negotiations on Article 5: Filling of Vacancies and Article 7: Hours of Service will continue after bargaining on the contract’s economic issues are complete.  

United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee Defers Final Noneconomic Proposals, Pushes Forward Towards Economic Discussion

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee continued bargaining on Wednesday with the company, finalizing the last bargaining session before the contract’s December 5 amendable date. After starting the process of revamping the system bid protocol and finally receiving data from the company regarding the attendance of United Airlines Teamsters during adverse conditions, the committee decided to revisit these issues until later in the negotiating process. Negotiations on Article 5: Filling of Vacancies and Article 7: Hours of Service will continue after bargaining on the contract’s economic issues are complete.  

“We came ready to finalize the noneconomic items, but United so far has not shown the same sense of urgency or respect for the process as the committee,” said Clacy Griswold, Committee Chairman. “With the amendable date on December 5, we have no time to deal with the company's games. Its time for economic discussions.”

 Wednesday’s bargaining session comes on the heels of United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby announcing a $500 million expansion for the carrier at Washington-Dulles International Airport. The committee is planning to use this announcement and other recent developments at United as a proof point for industry-leading wages and benefits when economic negotiations begin.

 “United is not shy about advertising its recent success and profitability in the media, yet it won’t even agree to our noneconomic proposals at the table,” said Joe Prisco, a Teamsters Local 986 technician out of San Francisco International Airport and member of the negotiating committee. “We can’t afford to delay the economic discussion any longer. The committee is ready to win the contract we have earned for helping United reach record profits.”

 Bargaining with United will continue until December 5.

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United Airlines Bargaining Update 12/3/24

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee kicked off the final round of 2024 bargaining on Tuesday in San Francisco. After securing tentative agreements on all but one non-economic article during last month’s bargaining session in Denver, the committee is focused this week on reaching agreements on the final noneconomic issue in the contract as we approach the December 5 amendable date.

United Airlines Teamsters Begin Ninth Round of Bargaining in San Francisco

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee kicked off the final round of 2024 bargaining on Tuesday in San Francisco. After securing tentative agreements on all but one non-economic article during last month’s bargaining session in Denver, the committee is focused this week on reaching agreements on the final noneconomic issue in the contract as we approach the December 5 amendable date.

After reaching an agreement in principle on Article 6: RIF and Recall in September, the committee reached a tentative agreement on the article yesterday. Additionally, after previously requesting critical data from United regarding employee attendance during adverse conditions for Article 7: Hours of Service, the committee received this information from the company and is working towards reaching a tentative agreement on this article as quickly as possible.

“The committee has been very clear with United: We cannot go forward without ensuring the physical safety and job security of our members during adverse conditions,” said Clacy Griswold, Chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “It’s time to close this chapter of bargaining so we can start our discussion on improving the pay and benefits for United Airlines Teamsters.”

The committee also used Tuesday’s session to review the system bid process for United Airlines technicians and began making recommendations to update the process. The committee is fighting for a more transparent process for Teamsters who utilize the bid process to fill vacancies at United stations across the country.

“We’ve come a long way from where negotiations began in August, but the company is trying to slow down our momentum by stalling at the bargaining table,” said Sebastian Tyc, a Teamsters Local 210 technician out of Newark Liberty International Airport and member of the negotiating committee. “The committee is unified in getting the best deal possible for our members, and we won’t let United’s tactics get in the way of fighting for the contract we deserve.”

Bargaining with United will continue until December 5.

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United Bargaining Update 11/15/24

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee concluded the eighth round of bargaining with the company Thursday in Denver by locking in critical victories. After reaching a tentative agreement on Article 11: Sick Leave and Occupational Injury on Tuesday, the committee won an agreement in principle with the company on Articles 19 and 20: Grievance Procedure and Board of Arbitration. 

United Airlines Teamsters Conclude Eighth Round of Bargaining in Denver, Reaches Agreement in Principle on Grievance Procedure, Board of Arbitration

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee concluded the eighth round of bargaining with the company Thursday in Denver by locking in critical victories. After reaching a tentative agreement on Article 11: Sick Leave and Occupational Injury on Tuesday, the committee won an agreement in principle with the company on Articles 19 and 20: Grievance Procedure and Board of Arbitration. 

Thanks to the unwavering advocacy and determination of the negotiating committee, United is now required to provide the union with all documents that it plans to use at all stages of the grievance process upon the Teamsters’ request. This will provide more transparency into the company’s actions during disciplinary cases and ensure that United Airlines Teamsters involved in the process are not blindsided by surprise charges or claims by the carrier. The committee also successfully obtained a provision to add a neutral facilitator to provide unbiased, non-binding advice to the System Board during grievance procedures. 

“For months, we have been fighting tooth and nail with the company to ensure United Airlines Teamsters have a more level playing field during the grievance process, and we won thanks to the determination of rank-and-file committee members,” said Clacy Griswold, Chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “This was a fantastic week of bargaining, and we can now declare victory by reaching agreements for some of the most contentious issues in the contract.” 

The last remaining non-economic issue to negotiate is Article 7: Hours of Service. As part of their fight to ensure technicians aren’t forced to report to work during natural disasters and other emergencies, the union is demanding United provide critical data regarding the number of United Airlines Teamsters affected when the employer formally declares a facility is open during adverse conditions. 

“We are extremely close to moving towards negotiating our pay and health care, but we are not going to put the cart before the horse, which is exactly what United wants,” said Martin Acosta, a Teamsters Local 769 technician out of Orlando International Airport and member of the negotiating committee. “The committee is not going to agree to something without having all the information available. If United really wants to move this process forward, it will provide the data we are asking for.” 

The next round of negotiations will take place in San Francisco from December 3-5. The committee aims to complete bargaining on non-economic matters by the end of the next session

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Mechanics' Dispatch, Negotiations Nicole Casey Mechanics' Dispatch, Negotiations Nicole Casey

United Bargaining Update 10/23/24

The United Airlines Teamster National Negotiating Committee resumed negotiations with the carrier on Wednesday. Bargaining continued on United’s procedures during adverse conditions, with the committee fighting to ensure that United Airlines Teamsters are protected from harm as well as potential pay loss and disciplinary actions in the event a facility is impacted by extreme weather or a natural disaster. The committee is also calling for more proactive communication from United during these events so that Teamsters know the status of a facility well in advance of the start of a work shift.

United Airlines Teamsters Continue to Fight for Safety in Adverse Conditions, Propose Changes to Grievance and Board of Arbitration Procedures – 10.23.24

The United Airlines Teamster National Negotiating Committee resumed negotiations with the carrier on Wednesday. Bargaining continued on United’s procedures during adverse conditions, with the committee fighting to ensure that United Airlines Teamsters are protected from harm as well as potential pay loss and disciplinary actions in the event a facility is impacted by extreme weather or a natural disaster. The committee is also calling for more proactive communication from United during these events so that Teamsters know the status of a facility well in advance of the start of a work shift.

“We are making some progress with the company on this issue, but not nearly enough has been done to meet our concerns,” said Clacy Griswold, Chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “The rank-and-file committee has shown incredible determination in fighting for these necessary protections for our members. Despite not yet reaching an agreement, we will not back down on our principles or concede anything that compromises the safety or job security of United Airlines Teamsters.”

In addition to continuing discussions on adverse conditions, the subcommittee on Grievance and Arbitration reengaged with the company with the goal of better protecting Teamster rights during these procedures. Specifically, the Teamsters are suggesting the parties adopt a System Board of Adjustment process where System Board members can rely on the advice of neutral mediators to streamline the process and not only clear the current backlog of grievances at the carrier but prevent future backlogs from forming.

“The committee thinks this is a major opportunity to reimagine these procedures at United for the benefit of rank-and-file Teamsters,” said Scott Stoddart, a technician at Los Angeles International Airport from Local 986 and member of the Teamsters negotiating committee. “We deserve more efficient grievance and adjustment processes without sacrificing our rights, and I look forward to building those procedures with my fellow Teamsters on the committee.”

Negotiations will continue in Chicago until October 24.

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United Airlines Bargaining Update Sept. 26, 2024

United Airlines Teamsters concluded the fourth round of bargaining this evening after three intense days of negotiations with the carrier in Chicago. While United Airlines attempts to move past the Teamsters’ non-economic proposals, the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee is holding firm, demanding the carrier come to the table in good faith and take the union’s non-economic proposals seriously. 

United Teamsters Conclude Fourth Round of Bargaining in Chicago: September 26, 2024

United Airlines Teamsters concluded the fourth round of bargaining this evening after three intense days of negotiations with the carrier in Chicago. While United Airlines attempts to move past the Teamsters’ non-economic proposals, the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee is holding firm, demanding the carrier come to the table in good faith and take the union’s non-economic proposals seriously. 

“As much as we want to get to the economic part of the contract, we have serious issues that need to be resolved before we can move forward,” said Clacy Griswold, Chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “While we had good discussions with the carrier this week, we won’t discuss economics until we lock down every last non-economic item — especially when it comes to our members’ safety. It’s pretty simple: if United Airlines wants to get to the economics, they can stop wasting our time on everything else. The ball is in their court.” 

Teamsters Extend Pressure on United for Safety Protections in Extreme Weather 

During this week’s bargaining, United Airlines Teamsters continued to advocate for increased safety protections during extreme weather events, with the national negotiating committee pushing the company to follow government declarations during a state of emergency. The Teamsters are also fighting for more transparency from the company during these events, including regular communication from the carrier regarding the status of impacted stations. 

“In Florida, we’re facing increasingly severe weather — like Hurricane Helene right now,” said Martin Acosta, a technician from Local 769 in Orlando and member of the national negotiating committee. “United’s lack of communication leaves us vulnerable. We need to be able to protect our families and ourselves, so we’re demanding that United prioritize our safety by keeping us informed.” 

The next round of negotiations will take place in Denver, Colorado from October 7-9.

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Teamsters Continue Second Round of Bargaining in Denver

As negotiations continue with United Airlines in Denver, the Teamsters United Airlines National Negotiating Committee is proud to announce movement on a critical issue related to job security during this round of bargaining.

During the opening of this week’s negotiations, Teamsters demanded changes to Article 6, increasing furlough protections for United Airlines Teamsters. After pressuring the company, the union is proud to announce that the carrier has tentatively agreed to increase the timeline for Teamsters’ recall rights from six years to 10 years.

As negotiations continue with United Airlines in Denver, the Teamsters United Airlines National Negotiating Committee is proud to announce movement on a critical issue related to job security during this round of bargaining.

During the opening of this week’s negotiations, Teamsters demanded changes to Article 6, increasing furlough protections for United Airlines Teamsters. After pressuring the company, the union is proud to announce that the carrier has tentatively agreed to increase the timeline for Teamsters’ recall rights from six years to 10 years.

“Thanks to the unity of the negotiating committee, United Airlines has tentatively agreed to one of our most significant demands so far,” said Clacy Griswold, Chairman of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “We still have a lot to fight for as bargaining continues, but this tentative agreement serves as a testament to the dedication and determination of our rank-and-file members."

 Safety is a Top Teamsters Priority

Teamsters continue to demand that United Airlines make serious movement on every issue, including increased safety measures. Discussed today were provisions in Article 12, which includes safety procedures during field trips for Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMTs). The union is fighting to have a minimum of two members on all field trips to ensure the safety of technicians and prevent injuries on the job.

“Being an AMT is an immense responsibility. Every day, we show up to work in conditions that put our physical health at risk,” said Patrick Gelato, a rank-and-file bargaining committee member representing Local 19.­­­ “We can’t work if we get hurt on the job, and having another technician with us on field trips provides an extra level of protection and communication in the event something does happen. Safety should be the top priority on both sides of the table, and we will fight in order to get the protections at work we deserve.”

The subcommittees continued discussions with the company today to address Article 18 on Union Security and Representation; Article 19 on Grievance Procedure; and Article 20 on Board of Arbitration. The union aims to make progress on these issues before this round of bargaining ends.

 The second round of negotiations with United Airlines will continue through Thursday, August 22. To keep informed and engaged, download the Teamsters Airline Division App at


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Teamsters, United Airlines Set Additional Dates for Bargaining

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee has set additional dates for bargaining – Sept. 16-17, Sept. 24-26, Oct. 7-9, Oct. 22-24, Nov. 5-7, Nov. 12-14, and Dec. 3-5. Bargaining locations will rotate between Chicago, Denver, Houston, and San Francisco.

The United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee has set additional dates for bargaining – Sept. 16-17, Sept. 24-26, Oct. 7-9, Oct. 22-24, Nov. 5-7, Nov. 12-14, and Dec. 3-5. Bargaining locations will rotate between Chicago, Denver, Houston, and San Francisco.

The Teamsters will begin bargaining with the company August 6-7 in Chicago and continue negotiations August 20-22 in Denver. For more information, download the Teamsters Airline Division App at to stay informed and engaged.

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United Airlines Teamsters Meet in Las Vegas to Prepare for Bargaining

(LAS VEGAS) – Members of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee convened in Las Vegas to review contract proposals submitted by rank-and-file technicians during the past few weeks. Teamsters at the world’s third-largest airline submitted thousands of proposals on what they want in the new collective bargaining agreement.

(LAS VEGAS) – Members of the United Airlines Teamsters National Negotiating Committee convened in Las Vegas to review contract proposals submitted by rank-and-file technicians during the past few weeks. Teamsters at the world’s third-largest airline submitted thousands of proposals on what they want in the new collective bargaining agreement.

 “The voices of rank-and-file technicians have been heard loud and clear, and now it’s time to secure the best contract possible at United Airlines,” said Chris Griswold, Director of the Teamsters Airline Division.

Members of the Teamsters negotiating committee diligently reviewed and consolidated all proposals as the union works to finalize and tackle workers’ biggest priorities. Initial bargaining will begin in August.

“The level of engagement we’ve seen in this contract campaign is unprecedented,” said Bob Fisher, Teamsters Airline Division Director-Below the Wing. “The Teamsters want all members at United Airlines connected to and participating in this campaign. Together we will make sure negotiations are transparent, aggressive, and ultimately successful for the entire membership.”

The committee will continue the process of reviewing more contract proposals next week.

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Teamsters to Host RLA Trainings for United Airlines Technicians

As we work to bargain the best possible contract at United Airlines, the Teamsters Union will host virtual informational training sessions at United Airlines Stations across the country with our Training and Grants Department. Rank-and-file aviation technicians will learn about the Railway Labor Act (RLA), including:

As we work to bargain the best possible contract at United Airlines, the Teamsters Union will host virtual informational training sessions at United Airlines Stations across the country with our Training and Grants Department. Rank-and-file aviation technicians will learn about the Railway Labor Act (RLA), including:

 – How the collective bargaining process works at United Airlines
– How and why bargaining union contracts in aviation is different from other industries
– The role of the federal government in aviation labor relations
– The ratification and enforcement of union contracts in the airline industry

See the training schedule below. Click on the time to save an invite to your calendar.


Teamsters Local 856 & 986: San Francisco
Thursday, July 11 — 5am, 2pm and 10pm


All rank-and-file technicians are strongly encouraged to attend these important trainings. For more information, contact Paul Trujillo at or Iliana Flores at

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Negotiations, Mechanics' Dispatch Nicole Casey Negotiations, Mechanics' Dispatch Nicole Casey

Negotiations Update

The members have spoken and the offer from the company was rejected. We will reach out to the company to secure dates for future bargaining. Further details will be shared when dates are secured. Thank you for your participation in this ratification process.

Negotiation Committee Members:

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The members have spoken and the offer from the company was rejected. We will reach out to the company to secure dates for future bargaining. Further details will be shared when dates are secured. Thank you for your participation in this ratification process.

In solidarity, 

Vinny Graziano
Teamsters Airline Division


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Negotiations Nicole Casey Negotiations Nicole Casey

Updated financial Power Point deck posted

Many members were questioning the use of the actual average hours for the group in the assumption charts. These members were asking for a straight time only version of the assumptions. I asked our economist to redo the deck showing only straight time hours at 2080 per year. The new deck is posted at for your review.

Negotiation Committee Members:

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

March 6, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Many members were questioning the use of the actual average hours for the group in the assumption charts. These members were asking for a straight time only version of the assumptions. I asked our economist to redo the deck showing only straight time hours at 2080 per year. The new deck is posted at for your review.

In solidarity,

Vinny Graziano

Teamsters Airline Division


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Negotiations Nicole Casey Negotiations Nicole Casey

Tentative Agreement

As you all know by now, your rank-and-file committee has accepted the Agreement in Principle which now turns the AIP into a Tentative Agreement (TA) and is ready for ratification by the membership. 

Now it is to you to make a choice. The TA is economically focused and includes a couple of minor, economically speaking, language changes. We urge you to look at all the information and consider the outcome carefully prior to deciding. As with every negotiation, this proposal will satisfy the expectations of some, while falling short for others. Ultimately, the decision is yours whether to ratify this offer or not, and we will stand by your choice. 

Negotiation Committee Members:
Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

March 4, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

As you all know by now, your rank-and-file committee has accepted the Agreement in Principle which now turns the AIP into a Tentative Agreement (TA) and is ready for ratification by the membership. 

Now it is to you to make a choice. The TA is economically focused and includes a couple of minor, economically speaking, language changes. We urge you to look at all the information and consider the outcome carefully prior to deciding. As with every negotiation, this proposal will satisfy the expectations of some, while falling short for others. Ultimately, the decision is yours whether to ratify this offer or not, and we will stand by your choice. 

Below are some highlights of the extension offer: 

--The extension is one that matches Southwest Airlines top of scale (TOS) this year and will extend for a term of forty-eight (48) months. The package is valued at one billion dollars in improvements over its life. 

--During this year the extension provides a 4% percent increase in August, and a 6.87% increase in December, followed by three percent increases each December until 2027. In December of this year a TOS Technician will receive $68.66/hour. 

--The Bridge medical will be extended to run through to 2028. 

--There is an additional job protection enhancement which adds a permanent Heavy check line of MX that increases from the current two (2), to three (3). 

Finally, the reset calculation runs this December and every 12 months thereafter. 

Please feel free to ask questions of your rank-and-file committee members, your Business Agents or the Airline Division if you need clarification on any of the terms. 

United Airlines Mechanics & Related 2024 Tentative Agreement Economic Highlights

United Airlines Mechanics & Related 2024 Tentative Agreement Summary

In solidarity,

Vinny Graziano

Teamsters Airline Division


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UAL Negotiation Update 2/29/24

Your United Airlines Mechanics and Related Rank-and-File Negotiating Committee recently met at Teamsters Local 19 in Houston to go over the agreement in principle (AIP), with the hope of converting the AIP into a tentative agreement (TA). 

Negotiation Committee Members:

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

February 29, 2024

Your United Airlines Mechanics and Related Rank-and-File Negotiating Committee recently met at Teamsters Local 19 in Houston to go over the agreement in principle (AIP), with the hope of converting the AIP into a tentative agreement (TA). 

We spent the day reviewing all the terms of the agreement with our attorney, Josh McInerney, as well as the compensation and benefit proposals with our economist Kyle Schoembs. 

As previously stated, this process consists of reviewing all work groups’ "Schedule A” charts and confirming the accuracy of the basic and all-in rates. During our review process this week, we found some discrepancies that needed to be addressed and rectified to reflect the proposal. After conversations with the company, these items were cleared up. 

Our attorney went over all the language items again with us to make sure we understood it. The rank-and-file members discussed the company’s proposal and ultimately voted that the employer’s offer was significant enough to warrant a referendum by the membership. 

At this time, we have a TA on an extension to our collective bargaining agreement. We are hoping to have details available to all next week while Mr. Schoembs goes over the wages once more (in order to make sure they are correct for every group represented within the bargaining unit). 

The voting process on this TA will begin in a couple of weeks, with the conclusion projected to be sometime in mid-April. Ratification will be conducted electronically, using the same process as January of last year. The complete voting timeline will come from the Teamsters Airline Division once the logistics are finalized. 

Please be patient as we prepare to get the complete TA ready for you next week. 

In solidarity, 

Your United Airlines Mechanics and Related Rank-and-File Negotiating Committee


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AIP Reached on an Extension

We write to update you on the recent meeting of your UAL IBT negotiating Committee, which took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, on February 15, 2024. During this meeting, we were able to reach an Agreement in Principle (AIP) on a new extension to our JCBA. It is exceedingly rare to achieve an agreement prior to the amendable date under the RLA, and if ratified by you, this would become the first seamless contract we’ve seen at this company.

Negotiation Committee Members:

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

February 16th 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We write to update you on the recent meeting of your UAL IBT negotiating Committee, which took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, on February 15, 2024. During this meeting, we were able to reach an Agreement in Principle (AIP) on a new extension to our JCBA. It is exceedingly rare to achieve an agreement prior to the amendable date under the RLA, and if ratified by you, this would become the first seamless contract we’ve seen at this company.

The AIP was achieved after a series of discussions and counterproposals, and it comes ten months prior to the amendable date of our current agreement.

Following this development, our legal and financial teams began immediately reviewing the AIP to finalize the terms agreed upon in this session. Once this process is complete, the committee will review the package to ensure its accuracy, at which point it will become a Tentative Agreement (TA). We will then share the details of the TA with you.

Preparations for electronic voting will also be taking place during this timeframe. Thank you for your patience and support as we work to finalize this extension.

In solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee


Note: For this session Paul Becerra from MCO stood in for Mike Blomquist


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Negotiations Update

Your IBT committee met in Covina at Local 986. Our focus during this meeting was to continue preparing for our upcoming face-to-face negotiations with the Company.

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR
Blake Silverstein - IAD
Dexter Thomas - IAH
Scott Stoddart - LAX
Mike Blomquist - MCO
Mike Pecoraro - ORD
Joseph Prisco - SFO
John Laurin - SFO

Your IBT committee met in Covina at Local 986. Our focus during this meeting was to continue preparing for our upcoming face-to-face negotiations with the Company.

The week began with an in-depth review of the survey results that you, our members, participated in. We want to express our gratitude for your valuable input. Although there was substantial information to sift through, we were pleased to discover that the committee's priorities align with your concerns. Your feedback has been instrumental in guiding our efforts.

In addition to reviewing the survey results, we have diligently checked the survey proposals you submitted. Each proposal is crucial in shaping our negotiating stance and ensuring your voices are heard. 

During the meeting, we successfully concluded discussions on Article 6, which pertains to Reduction in Force, and Article 18, which addresses Union Representation. These articles were voted on and added to our comprehensive package to be presented to the Company during our face-to-face negotiations. Your committee believes these additions will strengthen our position and benefit our members.

To wrap up the week, we discussed potential improvements to Article 8 Holidays and Article 9 Vacation. The committee thoroughly reviewed and voted on these articles, marking another step towards enhancing the benefits and working conditions for our members.

Your ongoing support and engagement are invaluable, and we will continue to keep you updated as we progress.


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Mechanics' Dispatch, Negotiations Nicole Casey Mechanics' Dispatch, Negotiations Nicole Casey

Negotiating Committee Meets in Miami

The committee met at Local 769 in Miami last week to continue the review of language to be proposed when we meet with the company in December.

We started on Tuesday morning reviewing Article 7 Hours of Service. We completed the review of 7 and voted on the suggested changes. We looked at Article 3 again and made suggested changes. In addition, we determined that any changes may impact Article 2 Definitions. Usually, Article 2 Definitions remain open until the end of bargaining. Changing language during this process may require a modified or new definition to be added to the Article 2.

Negotiation Committee Members:

Mitch Hunt - DEN
Dave Mahood - EWR

Blake Silverstein - IAD

Dexter Thomas - IAH

Scott Stoddart - LAX

Paul Becerra - MCO

Mike Pecoraro - ORD

Joseph Prisco - SFO

John Laurin - SFO

November 14, 2022

Negotiating Committee meets in Miami

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The committee met at Local 769 in Miami last week to continue the review of language to be proposed when we meet with the company in December.

We started on Tuesday morning reviewing Article 7 Hours of Service. We completed the review of 7 and voted on the suggested changes. We looked at Article 3 again and made suggested changes. In addition, we determined that any changes may impact Article 2 Definitions. Usually, Article 2 Definitions remain open until the end of bargaining. Changing language during this process may require a modified or new definition to be added to the Article 2.

Wednesday, we spent the whole day reviewing, and we finished our review of Article 10 Leaves of Absence, Article 11 Sick Leave, Article 12 Field Trips, and Article 13 Training. These Articles are now ready to pass to the company when we meet in December.

On Thursday we discussed Article 14 Safety and Health and made changes the members requested. This Article will be reviewed by AD Rep Chris Moore before it is finalized, and we will then vote on any changes suggested at the next meeting.

We were informed that the company and the economists and actuaries were continuing to meet about the reset, and had a meeting scheduled on Friday November 11th. As soon as the reset number is finalized it will be reported out.

Our next meeting is scheduled for the week of December 12th with the company and will be the official start of face-to-face negotiations with United.


Your Negotiating Committee


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Negotiations Nicole Casey Negotiations Nicole Casey

UAL Mechanics Dispatch - 8.11.22

Your new Negotiating Committee of rank-and-file members met at Local 986 in Las Vegas on August 9 and 10. Two members had other obligations and were excused. One of these was due to the birth of a child and we extend our congratulations to Blake, his wife, and their growing family!

August 11, 2022 

Negotiation Update 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

Your new Negotiating Committee of rank-and-file members met at Local 986 in Las Vegas on August 9 and 10. Two members had other obligations and were excused. One of these was due to the birth of a child and we extend our congratulations to Blake, his wife, and their growing family! It should be noted that many sacrifices will be made by this group of rank-and-file negotiators on behalf of the membership during bargaining, and they deserve thanks for making this commitment to enhance your quality of life. 

After brief introductions, the full committee began to work on proposed language changes to the agreement as suggested through the surveys and proposals. The committee combed through Article 5 & 6, LOA 19, portions of LOA 34, and the Recall LOA dated February 11, 2021. During this time all the language was reviewed, and where needed corrections were suggested. The intent was to provide clarity regarding the subjects of Vacancies and RIF/Recall.

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