Grievance Summit Update

Grievance Summit Update

This week I, along with Director Joe Ferreira and Reps Dave Saucedo, Angel Cantu and Bob Fisher met with Labor Relations Representatives to review the grievance docket. Grievances are reviewed between the parties locally on an ongoing basis, but summits happen when the docket starts to build beyond normal. There are currently about 130 language cases on the docket throughout the entire system. Over the course of two days, we were able to review close to half of the open cases. Several grievances were settled, and some were withdrawn. In addition, there were a few grievances where the language was not clear, and those issues will be held in abeyance to be addressed in negotiations.

United Negotiations Update

The committee met at Local 856 October 18th-20th to continue preparing articles for bargaining. Our first session with the company will be held December 13-15th with a location yet to be determined. While we’re hoping for negotiations to move along at a brisk pace once started, we need to do the in-depth analysis of the language in order to make that happen. Like every task, solid preparation is the key to success.

Apprenticeship Program Update

Apprenticeship Program Update

In complying with the recent arbitration decision, the apprenticeship program outlined in Article 23 will be implemented by the carrier soon. The program language and the associated FAQs were reviewed by the negotiating committee and Business Agents in Las Vegas. The group made suggested changes and the company accepted those changes. As a result, the program and FAQs are finalized and are currently being distributed. As you will see, those entering the program will be placed in accordance with the provisions of the current CBA. Protections for the current membership are now in place to ensure the apprentice group will not be counted towards the required head count for any reason, will not be used for technician overtime and if a furlough occurs, those in the program will be released first. We will continue to monitor as the program develops to determine what changes will be needed to ensure everyone is protected.

Negotiation Update 09/30/2022; Social Media Links

Negotiation Update 09/30/2022; Social Media Links

This week the committee started reviewing and making suggested changes to Article 5 Vacancies, Article 6 RIF and Recall, Article 19 Grievance Procedure and Article 20 Arbitration.

The Committee discussed Article 6 and given that the membership just went through a furlough, there was much discussion on what worked, and more importantly, what didn’t work.

General Update; IBT UAL Social Media Launched

General Update; IBT UAL Social Media Launched

Last week, the members of your rank-and-file negotiating committee met in Washington, DC to attend negotiation training sponsored by the Airline Division. The committee was presented an overview of the RLA, including both the steps outlined in the Act, and their roles and responsibilities under the Act. This was followed by practical suggestions on achieving solid agreements. Stephanie Spanja, IBT Staff Attorney assigned to the Division, along with Greg Unterseher, Manager of Pilot Representation, led the training session. All members were present except for Scott Stoddart who was excused.

Shortening of Scale in SFO and SEA

Shortening of Scale in SFO and SEA

I’m pleased to report that the company reached out to us to inform us that they agreed with our request to move new hires up the scale in two cities. The Union continues to advocate raising the rates up for all newly hired technicians across the system. However, at this point the carrier has agreed to move all AMT members in SFO and SEA, currently in steps one and two, to step three on the schedule A rate table.

Field Trip Pay Arbitration 

Field Trip Pay Arbitration 

I’m pleased to report that today we settled the upcoming arbitration over when the time and three quarters, commonly referred to as 1.75, begins and ends. The settlement captures what we bargained, which is pay begins one hour before a trip starts to gather necessary tooling and stops one hour after a trip ends domestically for paperwork.

UAL Mechanic Dispatch - 8.8.2022

UAL Mechanic Dispatch - 8.8.2022

Representatives from the Airline Division along with representatives from Local 769 met with members in MCO for two days last week. Craft meetings were held on August 2nd and floor visits occurred on August 3rd. In attendance for the Local were President Josh Zivalich, Secretary Treasurer Roly Piña and Business Agent Tommy Esposito. In attendance for the Division were Director Joe Ferreira, me, Chris Moore, Bob Fisher, and Mike Moats.

Principal Officer Meeting in Washington D.C.

Principal Officer Meeting in Washington D.C.

Yesterday Principal Officers met with the Airline Division to determine the structure of negotiations moving forward. The one question survey showed an interest in opening the entire Agreement rather than focusing on limited issues. With that in mind, and after much discussion, it was determined that there will be nine rank and file negotiators for the upcoming round of bargaining. Seven of the nine will come from the larger cities with one representative for the ground equipment/facilities group and one representative from the smaller line stations. In addition, subject matter experts will join the committee as needed to provide guidance on their respective needs. The Principal Officers also decided that one Business Agent from each Local would be welcome to attend. Professionals that will be attending such as lawyers, economists and actuaries were also discussed and will be provided to the committee for use on your behalf.

Industry Reset

Industry Reset

Questions have begun to arise regarding the upcoming reset slated to go into effect on December 5th of this year. The questions are centered around when the measurement period begins specifically in regard to the Definitions provision 1.d. According to the provision the first measurement period began six months prior to December of 2018. All subsequent measurements must be completed prior to December 5th of the appropriate year in order that any increases can be processed in a timely manner to ensure compliance with the LOA.